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The proprietor's profile

Birgit Wolf

University-qualified translator ("Diplom-Übersetzerin") of English and French

Graduated in 1994 from the Applied Language and Cultural Studies Faculty at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz at Germersheim.

A state-appointed and officially authorised provider of "sworn" translations for the English and French languages.

Gained three years' in-house experience as branch manager for a Nuremberg translation agency.

Freelance translator since 1999

Language combinations:
English -> German
French -> German

Mother tongue: German

Specialist areas:
Business, commerce, law, contracts, official documentation, finance, banking, EU tender documents, etc.

Member of the Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer e.V. (the "BDÜ" or "Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators")

Profil Übersetzerin
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